Women's Retreat 20/20 HIS VISION
November 1 & 2, 2019
|Word of Life Fellowship
Every Woman Every Story Habakkuk 2:2-3 - Record the Vision...
Time & Location
November 1 & 2, 2019
Word of Life Fellowship, 13247 Word of Life Dr, Hudson, FL 34669, USA
About the Event
We invite you to take a break from your busy lives and enjoy time with God and with other Christian women as we learn where you are from, where are you now, and where are you going? Learn how to develop and share your testimony.
Teaching, Sharing, Praise, Worship, Fellowship, Food and Crafts are all part of this amazing weekend. Come and be blessed and receive His Vision for 2020!
Carpooling will be available from Tarpon Methodist Church parking lot (Friday leaving at 1:30pm) or you may choose to use your personal vehicle and meet at Word of Life.
Cost $98 (Friday & Saturday) includes Dinner (Fri.) (Breakfast & Lunch) Saturday
Friday Only $35 (Dinner)
Saturday Only $45 (Breakfast and Lunch)