One Community Outreach is a 501c3 faith-based community organization with the goal of bringing the local churches, businesses, and organizations together to help meet the unmet and under-met needs within Pasco community.
Our hope is for needs to be met within our community as we work together communicating the needs and matching them with available resources. We want to see the Kingdom of God impact individuals, families, businesses, schools, and our entire county. Our dream and vision are to be initiators, in our county, for partnerships between these sectors of society: Public sector (i.e. goods and services provided by the government), Private sector (i.e. "for profit" businesses), and Social sector (i.e. non-profit organizations).
One Community Now focuses its efforts In three areas; Education, Poverty Alleviation, and Neighborhood Transformation.
Every child should have an opportunity to learn and get an education. One Community Now partners are passionate about working with our schools by encouraging partnerships with our local schools. Tools For School Collection of school supplies, the weekend feeding program called Pasco Pack A Sack Food 4 Kids and recruiting adults to help in the classroom are a few ways we have found that help supports our schools and lead to improved learning opportunities.
Poverty Alleviation
Every person should have sufficient food, clothing, and shelter but alleviation does not come from a handout. We work with others in our community to assist the homeless population and those at risk of homelessness to gain self-sufficiency by providing resources and education that can help alleviate poverty. Our programs focus on helping homeless and at-risk Veterans, Children and Families. With over 3000 homeless individuals in Pasco County, we can’t sit back and do nothing.
Our partners help to provide a Cold Night Shelter in the winter for homeless singles and the One Community Now Stand Down for homeless and at-risk Veterans in the fall. We raise awareness and funds to help fight hunger in our community through the One Community Now Hunger Walk each spring.
Neighborhood Impact
Too many of our neighborhoods are becoming known for crime and drug abuse due to the transient nature of many of the residents. All families should have the opportunity to live in a safe community where they know their neighbors and can help one another in times of need. We believe relationships are the key to building stronger neighborhoods. We desire to help strengthen community civic associations and enhance programs for children and families. Our first neighborhood to work in is the Holiday Lake Estates in Holiday. We call our work Neighborhood Impact. We want to impact this community in a positive way and help the residents take pride in their neighborhood. We do this through the coordination of sports programs, neighborhood clean-up projects, and seasonal community events.